The Minnesota VFW Charitable Association is a 501(c)(3) charity organized for charitable and educational purposes. The Association provides direct support to veterans; active duty and reserve forces, and their families; and also donates to other 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(19) non-profit organizations in support of programs that share our purposes, including supporting the programs of the Department of Minnesota, Veterans of Foreign Wars. 
Our purpose is to
1. Assist disabled or needy veterans and their families and promote programs that focus public attention and educate the public regarding the sacrifices made by America's veterans. 
2. Foster patriotism, promote programs and educate the public concerning American ideals and institutions, the history of the United States and the contributions made by America's veterans to secure this country's freedom and prosperity. 
3. Assist in funding and promoting programs that provide assistance to veterans or otherwise directly or indirectly support, educate and benefit American veterans or their families. 

Donate any amount to the Minnesota VFW Charitable Association via Venmo or PayPal
or mail a check to us: Minnesota VFW Charitable Association, PO Box 17146, Saint Paul, MN 55117-0146
If desired, you can enter a note specifying an area to support:
Donate now! Scan with phone, click with mouse, or tap with finger.

2025 Calendar Raffle Results

Making Donations to the State Commander’s and President's Joint Project:
Make Checks out to: "Minnesota VFW Charitable Association”
Earmarked ‘Commander’s Project’ or 'President's Project' (They are the same joint project.)

Mail to:  Minnesota VFW Charitable Association
Rice Street Station
PO Box 17146
St. Paul, MN  55117-0146

A written receipt will be sent to the donor. Thank you!

Ken Schroepfer
Minnesota VFW Charitable Association President